Thursday 13 February 2014

What to expect from Game of Thrones S04

The trailer #1 of Game of Thrones S04 was very very well received by their fans. It got more than 17.9 Million views and more than 104,000 likes on the video. You can watch the trailer here:

Game of Thrones S04 Trailer #1

All the Game of Thrones fans loved the video that they released on 9th Feb 2014 titled: Game of Thrones S04: Ice and Fire: A Foreshadowing. It gives us a good overview of what to expect in the S04 of the widely loved show.

You can see the video here:

Game of Thrones cast and team on what to expect from Game of Thrones S04:

- David Benioff says, "As in previous season there is a built. What will make this season different is that things really get going much more quickly." "It's more thrilling throughout than season 3 was", says Jon Snow..

- Co-director for Game of Thrones S04, D.B.Weiss says, "there will definitely will be more action than other seasons and on production front there were thigns that we had never done before. There is just not going to be one big climatic event, there will be many climatic events in season 4 than ever before." And Catelyn says, "Everyone this season will be loading the guns, loading the arrows, sharpening their knifes.." Loras Tyrell: Every season, 9th episode is kind of the big episode, season 4 is very steady.

- Jamie Lannister says, "The stakes will be higher throughout the season than there has ever been before.."

- Brienne of Tarth: "This season the story just gets more intense with some really juicy mental storyline.."

- Sam:"Button's pressed and accelerator is going through the floor.. There's gonna be a lot of action. The good guys are coming back this year.."

- Arya Stark: "The good guys are coming back this season and they will be taking a stand."

- D.B. Weiss says, "People, when they come out of this season, the impact of this season as a whole will be  even greater than the previous season."

- David Benioff says, "There are so many quality shows on television that I love and admire but I don't think there is one with the scale of the Game of thrones in terms of the size, the cast. In terms of the number of countries they shoot in .. and who else has dragons? really?"

The trailer shows Jon Snow saying, "AS if I went to sleep for a year, when I woke up, the world's fallen apart." Executive producer, writer, director David Benioff pointed out that there is a tremendous thirst for revenge, especially in the wake of the red wedding. This season will be all about how does things go about post the horrific red wedding. The director said that the most shocking and mind blowing scenes of the series will come towards the end of the fourth season. There will be lot of bloody confrontations.

Tyrion Lannister in S04

If you are a Tyrion lannister fan, you will be excited to know that this season is going to be the most dangerous season for Tyrion. "In almost every espisode, he is in the jeapordy of getting his head removed from his shoulder", says David Benioff. Tyrion is subjected to good deal of public humiliation this season and he doesn't seem to have answers to them. Cersei Lannister will be shown inflicting as much emotional damage as possible on Tyrion and she will be enjoying every bit of it. Jamie on the other hand is fond of his dwarf brother unlike any other family members and he will be helping him out this coming season.

In the trailer, the star characters spoke about their favorite characters from the show.

Jon Snow's favorite character is Bronn played by Jerome Flynn, Arya Stark's favorite character is Cersei Lannister, she says "even though everyone hates her, you love to hate her". Sansa Stark's favortie character is Jammie Lannister played by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau and he also happens to be Samwell Terly's (Jon Snow's best friend) favorite.

The Wild Card in Game of Thrones S04

Oberyn Martell played by Pedro Pascal is going to be wildcard in this season. He is a deeply passionate person who is very very dangerous but he is also good. Oberyn will be shown seeking vengance this season. There is too much anticipation for this

What do the stars of Game of Thrones think about King Goffery:

Does Joffery have any redeeming qualities?

Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane says," Joffery is a wee prick. Momma's boy, bully. he's got nice eyes

Emilia Clarke says, "Jack the actor has got abundance of redeeming qualities, Joffery the character.. less so..
Arya Stark says," He is kind of .. always sits like squiffy on his chair and he is always picking at the handle while shouting I am the King!

Jammie Lanister says, "Joffery is the clearly the last person on the world you'd want to have any kind of power

Jack loves the character of Joffery. About his role, he says, " it's the best one to play such a hateful, hate inspiring character. To get the reaction out of someone is very satisfying. It's nice to make people hate you"

Purple Reign:

Purple Reign is an important part of this season. The Royal wedding is now history.
The new Royal wedding is grand. It's entirity, it's totality of a massive team taking up upto half the episode, is very challenging.

Tywin Lannister says, "The wedding scene was like a short film in itself."

Brienne of Tarth says, "I'm schocked by the sheer scale, I've really never seen anything like that in Game of Thrones before"

Margaery Tyrell (played by Natalie Dormer) says, "I find it very hard that I would have a wedding ceremony replicated like that again in my career."

Joffrey says, "It was majestic, it was shimmering and it just looked pristine."

Game of Thrones cast on 'How is it to act on such amazing sets?'

1. Sam says, "The great thing about this show is that they like to put you into atmosphere, into environments that conjour up certain feelings inside of you when you are playing the scenes out there."

2. Your imagination fuelled. It's all there. My throne room is mini-tropical version of a Westeros throne room"

3. Missandei says, "That set is unbelievable. I walked in, I was like open mouthed for like good 10 mins."

4. Grey Worm says, "It's very intimidating. Emilia is lovely but I kind of look up and it is kind of frightening."

Dragons in the non dragon world:

Daenerys Targaryen (played by Emilia Clarke) - the mother of Dragons in Season 04 of Game of Thrones will be seen exploring what Kind of leader she can be.

Daenerys Targaryen quotes:
1. "How can I rule 7 kingdoms if I cannot control a single city?"
2. "They can live in my new world or they can die in their old one."

Emilia Clarke talks about her role: "Cities that Danny has previously liberated will now begin to revolt because It's all well and good going in and cutting the tie, seamingly breaking people free but if you don't leave them with any kind of structure or any kind of commander who shares the same morals and views as the person who liberated them then it's a free for all."

David Benioff talks about the Dragons: When dragons were first born, they were adorable little babies and they were completely devoted to their mother, they couldn't even eat without her. Each season they grow, they grow a little bit dangerous and this season they are at a point where they are not babies anymore. The dragons are outgrowing the restrictions her mother is putting on them. They are dragons for goodness sake, she has always feared this would happen. They have killed her enemies, what's going to stop them from killing anyone?

What's the most rewarding part of playing your role?

Jon Snow open up about his character:

The thing Jon is most excited about is that he is not the same man from season to season. Too much that's happened to him, too much that has gone on that he had to learn from. he is in a very bad place in season 4 as far as how he treated his honour.. He is reunited with Sam which is a good thing but their relationship has changed. It's a very different relationship Jon and Sam share this season but it's a solid, loving one. Without Sam, Jon would crumble.

What's the weirdest thing you ever had to do?

Hodor Says that's an easy one.. it's a scene that involves prosthetics.

Sam: The opening shot of season 3 was one of the most terrifying shot that I had to do.. They wanted to create this feeling that something is behind sam or something in pursuit of sam .. so they did that by chasing Sam on a quad bike while I was running through the snow. There was this guy running alongside me who assured me that if I fell, he'd get the quad bike.. so don't stop.

Jon Snow: Greeting CGI wolves is a strange experience. It's this big green sausage dummy shoved in your face and you have to treat it as if it's your life long pet and love it .. That's very odd.

Brienne of Tarth: The most weird thing I had to do this season is to bite off a man's ear and spit it in his face." She was too happy about it.

OMGOT Moments..

Sam says it's the sets!. "The first time I walked into the castle black set, I thought OH MY GOD! because until you step into it physically, when it comes out of your head and into the real world, it send chills down your spine really."

Ramsay Snow's weirdest moment was Chopping off Theone Greyjoy's companion.. That  was woooooaah .. really..

Grey Worm says, "The most amazing thing about the places we shoot is that we don't know what to expect. You turn up and you are like Wooow .. this is so much grander than I could have expected or could have ever imagined."

The most bad ass quotes from Game of Thrones:

Jon snow loves Bronn's quote the most. He thinks that every line he has is witty and intelligent and hilarious. In a scene he is told, You don't fight with honor, Bronn says, No he did..

"Hodor says all the scenes where he has said Hodor, Hodor, Hodor.. arethe  bad-ass ones."

Ygritte (played by Rose Leslie) says, "When my head is on that rock.. Strike hard and true Jon Snow or I'll come back and haunt you."

Arya Stark's favorite is yet to come in S04: "There is one this year, when she is talking about nothing.. "Nothing isn't better or worse than anything.. Nothing is just nothing"

Daenerys Targaryen's favorite is when she says, "Dracarys..."

Brann Stark thinks Maester Luwin death was the most shocking one. He was a father figure from Brann and to not have him is propably the disadvantage to Brann

Ygritte (played by Rose Leslie) feels Robbs and Catelyn's death were the most shocking

Jojen Reed thinks Ned Stark's death was the saddest.. It conveyed that no one is safe. That was the most shocking. That one set the whole tone for Game of Thrones

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